Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Tonight we went to swimming lessons... which were supposed to be outside of the pool. No one else showed up for our group except me and Jazz, so we went over CPR:). When the swimming instructor, Cassie, asked me what I did for a living and I told her, she told me that she wants to be a pediatrician who treats kids with natural therapies.... so, that's all she wanted to talk about after that. Then she took Jazz in the pool for a few minutes in the very shallow end.

Cassie and Jazz.


Yeah.. Jasmine finally has a Social Security number.... and now I can do my taxes. Vital Records is second only to the Vietnamese government when it comes to the mananna mentality. I must have called them at least 14 times over a period of 3 months just to get them to get off their butts and send a completed form in the self addressed stamped envelope I sent to them. Never have I seen such slow, uncaring and possibly even mentally retarded people working in one location. Then it only took another month after that to get the number from the Social Security Administration. Yeah......


Today, Joan and Jolee came over for lunch and a playdate. We had calzones and fruit... for something unhealthy and something healthy.... then we painted and danced:)