Thursday, October 10, 2013

Big Day Tomorrow...

Dental surgery tomorrow. Been saving up for three years!! They require pre-payment on everything. Why? I have no idea other than it is a dental college and they say it is cheaper there. It really doesn't seem cheaper to me, though. Everything is paid for now. Had a CT Scan of my face and jaw again a couple of weeks ago. The radiologist says he doesn't think I need a bone graft after all. Yippee!!! That saves several thousand dollars right there. So, tomorrow I get two implants, then many weeks later a soft tissue graft from the palate onto the surrounding gum area- which makes up for the money saved on the bone graft:( Not going to be too pretty for the next few weeks, but with my dating record over the past several years, it really doesn't matter anyway. Will be a long day, but finally after years of planning for it, it will finally be done! Yeah!!