Saturday, August 3, 2013

My Country Tis of Thee....

This morning, our 3rd year "Let's Play Music" Class sang "My Country Tis of Thee" at the Grand Opening of yet another Banner Health Clinic in Chandler. I didn't really expect to spend so much time there, but they had a nice air conditioned tent with free food and smoothies from Jamba Juice, free popsicles, free food, free gadgets like all kinds of pens, pencils, coloring books, toys for kids, etc. All of the doctors and nurses were mingling around to answer questions:) Then we took a tour of the clinic... very state of the art. The most impressive thing to me was a consultation room with a "TV" screen that could be used to contact an interpreter for literally any language. The family and patient can sit in the room and have the history/physical exam done with the help of a 24 hour on call interpreter for any language. THAT is impressive! AND...every word and procedure is recorded "for the patient" so that if they miss anything, they can go back and review it. I suspect it is more for the doctor's and nurses liability. I know if I worked in a place like that nowadays, I would want everything I said and did recorded. Chandler Fire trucks were there for kids to play on as well as police cars for kids to sit in. 3rd year class! Free food everywhere!