Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesdays are long.....

School all day, then to the dentist, skating practice with Jaime, swimming, then to Rubio's. Getting teeth cleaned and examined. No cavities. Adult molars coming in:( Next to regular Tuesday night skating with Jaime. Crappy photos thru a scratched up plexiglass window. Then regular Tuesday night swimming with instructor Tim. Then to Rubio's where we met Ms. Janalee (music teacher) and her four daughters just finishing their dinner. We sat with them for awhile on the porch. Forgot to take a picture with them. Jazzy is still wet from swimming. In the 50's for the past couple of days, 80's today, and mid-90's for the rest of the week. No springtime here. Just cold to hot. No in between. Then into the 100's usually in April.