Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Tuesdays are busy days. After school, we go to the City of Tempe dance class.... which is over in a couple of weeks, then we go to "Let's Play Music"... a 3 year class we just started a few weeks ago. Ms. Janalee is the teacher and holds the class at her house. Parents go every other week.
Each child has their own xylophone labelled with Do, Re, Mi, etc and a workbook with "homework" every week. More homework!! In the second year, they begin piano with this program.

On the weeks that parents don't go, I have dinner with Heather (Sierra's mom) .... the blonde mom with gray sweat pants. She and her husband are both "project managers" at Intel.

Here we are in class tonight. Rocking back and forth to a song.... and I cut Jasmine out of the photo:(.

P-T Conference.....

This week at Dobson Academy is Parent Teacher Conference time. Jazzy got all E+'s and the only item that needs a little attention is "focus". Gee.. where have I heard that before?

One week, they studied American symbols and they made a poster of themselves. She also keeps a "journal", and when she draws a picture of herself.... she draws her hair blonde!