Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas Party!

Today, Jasmine's skating friend Katie Kuedden had a Christmas party at her house. They had a big bouncy house, ate chicken and popsicles, did hula hoops, then planted a green bean in each of their own little pots- which we now have in the front yard "so everyone can see it":) They also played with Katie's dog- a Shih Tzu that I never saw, as well as a hamster that peed and pooped in Jasmine's hand, I am told!!! Yuk- I'll take a guinea pig over a hamster any day! Katie lives just right across the street from our dog sitter of 8 years- Tina Smith:)) They are friends with Tina, too.. small world:)
We have an extremely busy week- Zoo Critter Keeper tomorrow, something every night, a "musical" on Friday night that I just found out about, gymnastics exhibition AND skating exhibition next Saturday. Now that we have a Christmas musical on very short notice, we will miss a skating practice/lesson the night before the performance... not good:(