Monday, June 10, 2019

Camp Cormorant

This is Jazzy's 4th year at Camp Cormorant! We left the next morning after getting back from Valley Fair! Cabin 7- Art Camp! Here are the photos of Day 1! Just dropped her off because she doesn't like me to stick around:( . Jazzy's cabin mates. Campfire- not lookin too happy! . Tomorrow will be a happier day- I'm sure .

Valley Fair

I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I signed Jasmine up to go to "Valley Fair" with the Fargo-Moorehead Youth Choir. I thought it was a small local fair, but nope...Valley Fair is an amusement park in Minneapolis. No wonder it was so expensive! I didn't go, but Jasmine stayed with our friends Julie and Johanna. They played for part of the day at the water park, rode rides- but Jasmine still isn't big enough to ride anything but the kiddie rides- which she is not happy about, ate lots of junk food, then sang onstage at the fair. Wow - was she in a nasty mood the next morning from all the sugar. Plus, they left at 6 AM and got home at 11 pm!!

Dog puzzle covered by cat!

Jasmine really likes putting puzzles together. This one had to do with dog breeds. Stefani just wanted to cover it up!

A few classes!

Periodically, Jasmine takes a cooking class at the Dakota Medical Center- which is very strange since their "cooking" always involves dyes, colorings, sugar and a microwave. Jasmine likes it anyway. First week of summer vacation Jazzy attended Camp Invention as a LIT (Leader in Training). She helped with the preschool-2nd grade group. The camp- which Jasmine has attended for the past three years- has to do with creating new inventions that solve problems, but the inventions are made from recycled materials. This is the only photo I have from the week.

Mother's Day!

Grandma was "sick" and in a nasty mood, so Jazzy and I went to Holiday Inn Buffet for Mother's Day!

Spring Concerts

Both the Fargo-Moorehead Youth Choir as well as Liberty Middle School Orchestra had spring concerts. . No smile as usual. Serenading Grandma at home!