Sunday, May 6, 2012

Spa time....

Normally, Jasmine and I would have just gone home and taken a nap after all day at the park and music recital.... but nooooo! Jenny wanted us all to go to a spa and get manicures/pedicures-- along with the foot massages, which is the best part, and waxing!!! Jasmine now has pink toes with flowers, Gadiel has brown toes with dinosaurs, Abby has blue nails, Jenny's are pink and mine are just a boring French pedicure. It took forever because the place was completely *packed* on a Saturday night, plus there were five of us!
Jasmine and Gadiel waiting for their pedicures!
THEN, we went out for "dinner" at Applebee's. We were still eating dinner by 9PM and got home after 10PM. Jasmine fell asleep in the car literally 8 seconds after she got in..... Fun day!

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