Friday, August 17, 2012

Another eye exam.....

This time the exam was by Dr. Plotnik. He says that Jasmine's prescription needs to be changed because she still has strabismus (eye turn) and amblyopia, but Dr. deSimone says no. Ugghhh, I shouldn't have to be the one to decide this!!! I am sending Dr. deSimone some more photos of Jazzy with the eye turn to see if she changes her mind. If not, I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet!


thomas baker said...

Have the two docs talk to each other and make the decision. Grandma's idea

Judy said...

Like having a "holistic" vet/physician speak with a conventional practitioner. 2 different paradigms. Need more long term Vision Therapy to keep the same prescription. Other side- Changing prescription (bifocals) seems drastic.

thomas baker said...

Bifocals,ugh. That is drastic for a six-year old.