Sunday, September 22, 2013

Busy week!!!

Jasmine digging up archeological artifacts with her classmates:)!! Cups, spoons, old dried up banana peels!, bones, gems (made of chalk), and beads. They studied various vocabulary and spelling words associated with that topic... i.e. "dirt":) Then on Friday night, all of the second graders had a "pasta party" potluck. It was mayhem!, but alot of fun. No pictures since I forgot the camera as usual. On Saturday, I had to be in a seminar part of the day and Jazzy was in her theater class. After theater, we went to her early birthday dinner at a new (to us) Vietnamese restaurant on the ASU campus. Her theater class is at Childsplay Arizona which is a theater school on the ASU campus. Some of the ASU theater students "intern" and teach there. Then today..among other things, was Katie Kaedden's birthday party. Here is Katie, Neveah, and Jasmine... all ice skaters. I didn't stay for the party, so only have one photo. Next week is Jazzy's birthday party at Skateland Mesa. It will be fun to watch all of her ice skating friends trying to roller skate!

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