Saturday, December 7, 2013

Guinea Pig emergency!....

One of our little pigs "Skittles" has always been kind of coughy and sneezy since we got her last summer. Two days ago, I found her in mild respiratory distress:( - breathing rapidly, making clicking noises, very anxious and grinding her teeth... but of course, she is still eating well and hasn't lost weight, which is amazing! I quickly ordered some antibiotics in a smaller dose to be overnighted to us, and it took forever!! They (the compounding pharmacy) assured me I would have the prescription on my doorstep the next morning, and of course- that didn't happen. They were 12 hours late! I had to rig up a human version of the drug and give her a couple of not so accurate doses. She is about 50% better now. If that little pig succombs, we are in deep doo-doo:)! She is sitting right next to me now, eating and relatively happy. It was funny getting a package addressed to "Skittles Stolz":))


MorganS said...

Poor little thing. Hope she's better. Yes, that is funny--a package addressed to "Skittles Stolz." :-)

Judy said...

She's definitely better, but not back to her normal self yet. It will take some time. She's only been on the antibiotics for a little over 24 hours:)