We started out early this morning and passed the physical exam with flying colors, after waiting hours for our 9:20 AM appointment. I was surprised at how complete the exam was. I was expecting just a quick check over, but it was an in depth check up. We then ran over to the US Embassy and dropped off our completed documents, had lunch, bought a new suitcase for all of our stuff, went back to the Embassy for our 2PM interview, then had to run over to Eva Airlines in person because for some reason, no one was able to change our flight date over the phone..... so backwards, completely inefficient, and frustrating here. We then went back to the Embassy by 4 PM to pick up the Immigrant Visa and a stack of immigration forms in a sealed envelope which we are not allowed to open. At about 4:30, when we were almost back to the hotel, we noticed that our documents were not ours, but were someone elses! Because of the very heavy congested traffic, we got back to the Embassy at 3 minutes til 5 PM, after calling them and telling them we had someone else's records. They called the people who had ours, and it was 6 PM by the time we met them to exchange the documents. We got back to our hotel at 7 PM, exhausted, and had banannas for dinner because we had to pack all of our stuff to be ready to leave tomorrow morning.
So.... we are leaving tomorrow morning, earlier than planned and will be back Wednesday night late. We are going to be stuck in LAX for 5 hours because the next flight to Phoenix had only one seat left. Since Jasmine turned two just three months ago, she is 3 months past the age limit where she is allowed to sit on my lap... even though she is the size of a one year old. So, we have to wait around LAX for hours for the next flight to have a seat for her. Just love the airlines.
So, it was a very rushed and extremely stressful day, but we will start our 24 hour journey home tomorrow morning and be back before Thanksgiving day:)
Here is Jasmine after getting her physical while she is waiting for me to pay. The lady next to her is our "in country associate" while we are in Hanoi. She is the one who translated for us and guided us around for the past 2 days.
The other photo is of her waiting for the cab outside our hotel this morning when we were getting ready to leave.
I also tried to take a photo of the emblem on the front of the US Embassy and a very nasty woman yelled at me, so just because she was so rude, I took a photo of the side of the building:) It wouldn't allow me to upload this photo... so, I'll try later.
My next post probably will not be for a couple of days.