Today was the first day of Zoo Camp. *Hundreds* of kids there!! Couldn't get Jazzy to smile at first. She said she wanted to go home. I said "Too bad...I already paid for it.... you're staying!!:). I think she had fun. Today was "Rainforest Day". They met and petted a "Rainbow Boa" and made a paper snake, as well as a rainforest stencil. They read the story "Verdi" and "Stella Luna"- which is about a bat. When the teacher said that bats hang by their thumbs upside down when they are sleeping, Jasmine said ..."I hang upside down when I sleep on the couch"!! Really..? I have never witnessed that:) Aaron Abrahmson- Jazzy's friend from pre-school is in her class. He is also in her gymnastics class. They are good buddies.
Jazzy refusing to smile.
With her new friends, next to Aaron, waiting for all the other kids to get there.
Things to do today.
Jazzy and Aaron
Making a paper Rainbow Snake.