Last night, we drove to Chandler to Kathy and AnnaLi's house for the annual FCV Tet Party. We were all laying cozy on the couch watching TV.... except Jesse who was on the floor due to her bad breath... and it was pouring down rain and cold outside. The last thing I wanted to do was go to a party, but at the last minute, we jumped up and went to the party since it is only a once a year event. We saw all of our friends, played games, made crafts, ate Vietnamese food, and had entertainment from the "older" girls 7-9 yrs old. It actually stopped raining long enough to play outside for an hour.... then back inside. We had a great time. I'm glad we went, even though we didn't want to at the time.
The 3 yr old table. It was nice to be someplace where everyone who was 3yrs old was the same size as Jasmine. Starting from right and partially cut off is Delilah, her brother Henry, Jolee, AnnaLi (age 7), Jasmine, Maya.
Eating a cupcake... among many other things
AnnaLi reading a Tet story to everyone. Dancing girls off to the right.
In the wagon with Jolee and Eva
All (or most) of the kids
Jasmine with her Tiger mask and lucky chocolate money and envelope