Last night was Jazzy's first fireworks experience. It is uncanny how every year, it literally does not rain one drop until the evening of July 3 when Arizona City has it's fireworks..... It poured down rain at about 5:30... for the first time since last November.... right before I went to Vietnam. We went to the pre-fireworks party which was just a band and a bunch of people walking around. The fireworks started late.... around 8:35 and lasted all of 15 minutes. They weren't too impressive. I guess it was a budget thing. Jazz had fun dancing with the band, watched about 3 minutes of the fireworks, then fell asleep. I watched about 10 minutes of the fireworks with her asleep in my lap, then we left. By the time we drove home... about 3 minutes... the fireworks were over and it was pouring down rain again.... so, perfect timing.
Ready to go to fireworks
Playing with her neon heart necklace
Eating kettlecorn
listening to the band