This week, Jasmine attended Camp Invention. I don't know exactly what they did- because of course, she would not tell me. I do know that they had a robotic dog that they took apart, diagnosed, and treated with surgery. Here is a house designed by Jasmine. It has a solar powered generator on top as well as a rain water collection system on the side- just like the one we made last year at a workshop:)

Rain water collection system:

Here is a dog house she made with a little dog that was covered with the "skin" of Jasmine's choosing. She adopted the dog and named it "Roberta", then changed the name to "Tigger"!!

Side view of the dog house which apparently will be converted into a bird house to hang on a tree outside.

They also designed "robo-bots" and programmed them to follow any kind of black "track" or pen marking.

Here is a planter that Jasmine made last week at a Fargo Parks and Rec DIY "Make your own planter" workshop:)