Friday, April 6, 2018


Just updates since I haven't had my computer for over week. Marissa and Jasmine decided to stay "in" for their "date" so they could paint ceramic unicorns. Swimming lessons for a couple of weeks. Jasmine has not had swim lessons since we moved to Fargo. Prior to that, she went thru all of the levels all the way up to swim team. Now she is acting as if she has never seen a swimming pool before...starting at a lower level with much younger kids. Part of the "developmental trauma" symptoms. Reading a book....wish I could still do this!Pooped for the night- on the couch:)

Easter stuff...

Jazz and Myah at a "Bounce Fest" just before Easter. I took them to McDonald's afterwards:( Bad mommy! Jasmine made some chick- deviled eggs at a cooking class:) A little miniature lego replica of the White House made by Jasmine. It's about 1" tall. Putting together a "dog puzzle". Jasmine left the unfinished puzzle out all night and Stefani scattered the pieces all over the place:) Nice outfit from Grandma- a little skirt with unicorns on it and a pink shirt. Jazz had to wear a different sweater because it's still so cold out. It was nice quiet Easter!