Jazzy and I just returned home from a 4 day seminar we attended on "Sustainability". Amazing place- 225 acres and expanding, many types of housing consisting of straw bale, regular construction that was already there when they purchased the land, and domes. The brand new domes are for adults only- dang it!! Avalon is the largest and longest lasting ecovillage in the world. They grow literally everything that is eaten there, with apparently a few exceptions depending on the season. The soil is constantly being naturally enriched with compost and crop rotation. Literally everything is recycled and reused- including the grey water that is used for flower gardens. The main water source is the aquifer, but each building has a large rain water catchment system. There is even a beautiful "bath house" inside of a green house. Water is stored under the building and heated by way the solar panels. The environment is tropical in there! Many artists live there who create art out of just about anything. They have several bands of musicians, some of whom travel, a law firm, alternative medical clinic (Soulstice Clinic) with only one doctor (so far), a hospice, two recording studios due to all of the musicians, a theater that they rent out to various groups, a hotel or two in Sedona where they used to be located, many many seminars on various topics from organic gardening, water conservation/issues, spirituality, etc. They also have therapy horses for "troubled teens and adults", an upcoming radio station, various media outlets, a CSA (community supported agriculture) where they sell excess fruits and vegetables at the farmer's market in Tucson, and many other businesses I am not remembering at the moment. Their school is run by the most amazing evolved teachers I have ever met. Everything is run and owned by the "members". Members run from age 1 to 81. There are quite a few "elderly" people who live there, middle aged, many people in their 20's, and only about 20 children right now. It is a 6 month to 1 year process to become a member. It was a fun and interesting 4 days!

Each house has a name. This is the main house where the seminars are held. I cannot remember the name of it. Jasmine stayed in the "Inner Reflection House" when she wasn't in school.

A few of the green houses for the new seedlings. They also have a LARGE new house for aquaponics which is under development, two huge catfish ponds, a food forest, citrus trees, a goat farm with around 100 goats right now. The milk is used to make kefir, yogurt, and meat :( There are hundreds of chickens used for their eggs and meat. A couple of the older kids are on the "butcher team".

These are the newest domes. Very beautiful and elegant inside. The domes also have basements!!! Here is the living area of one of the new domes.

Outdoor stage for musicians and other performers. Jazzy is the little blue dot.

The little guest house where Jasmine and I stayed.