A group called Arizonans for Children hosts many events and parties during the year for adoptive and foster kids. Today was their annual Christmas party held at a Greek Orthodox church in Phoenix. There were around 500 kids there ranging in age from infants to 18 yrs old. A live DJ played music, and they served a turkey/mashed potato/etc lunch followed by ice cream and cookies! Suddenly the theme music for the Phoenix Suns started playing and in came the Phoenix Suns gorilla... the surprise guest. He ran around jumping on tables, hitting his chest, and pounding on things. Then he rotated around the room for photo ops with all the kids. Most of the kids followed him around and weren't afraid at all... but Jazzy cried every time he came near:)... so he kept his distance and we didn't get a photo. Later, after alot of dancing, each of the 500 kids got a sack of age appropriate gifts!
Jazzy eating lunch
Suns gorilla holding a baby
Jazzy opening presents