Last week, we drove up to Larimore, ND- just west of Grand Forks to the Myra Arboretum. It was part of my Master Gardener Certification- 40 hours of volunteer work after taking the class and passing all the tests. This "arboretum" was opened in 1980, but there was no money to maintain it for the past 37 years except for mowing the lawn. That's it! There were fourty of us "pruning" trees. I have no idea how to prune trees. Most of the other people didn't know either, but I guess that's why they had all of us inexperienced people volunteering there. Esther McGinnis- NDSU Extension Professor at NDSU Horticulture Department and teacher of the Master Gardener Class said - "Just trim them down. You can't hurt them". Anyway, Jasmine was happy because she was able to get off school for the

day. It was a two hour drive, four hours of tree trimming for me and picking up sticks for Jasmine, then two hours home. I was exhausted. Jasmine thought it was fun! At least we all got a nice free lunch:) It was a perfect beautiful 65 degree day with a little breeze. We felt like we were in San Diego!