This morning I woke up early as usual, with that 15 minute window of time to get a few things done prior to Jasmine waking up. For some reason, she didn't wake up, so I just let her sleep for awhile longer.. or so I thought. I went into the bedroom to wake her up because we had people to see, places to go and things to do. I found her sitting up in the bed with chocolate all over her face, the sheets, blankets, my pillow and her pajamas. She had opened up her little mailbox with chocolate in it and ate ALL of the chocolate which included multiple Hershey's kisses, a few small Reese's cups and a couple of other candy bars. Needless to say, she didn't want any breakfast. All of the sheets had to be washed, as well as all of the blankets.
Later we went to the Native American Music Festival at the Casa Grande Ruins. It was pretty much a waste of time. One hour drive there, 20 minutes wait for the bus ride into the place, 15 minutes to walk around because there was really nothing there, then 20 minutes wait to get out, and an hour drive home. The most fun part was painting your own flute for the kids. Jasmine is very intent when she is painting.