Jazzy was Minnie Mouse (thought I'd get some more use out of that costume) and skated to Minnie Mouse singing "It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas":)

The exhibition was mostly yesterday with only two hours today. Rozaline is in NYC visiting her "inlaws" and Jasmine's friend Katie is in Minnesota attending her grandmother's funeral:( So, it wasn't quite the same without them. We did have lunch, a birthday party and Christmas gift exchange with Jenny, Abby and Gadiel at Rumbi Grill before the show. It's Abby's birthday! Then we just went across the street to the rink, watched the show for awhile, performed Jazzy's routine, then went home! Finally, no more shows or anything for a couple of weeks! My photos did not come out well at all:( I did purchase the DVD though:)