Long fun day today. In the morning, I went to lectures/discussions with the adult Operation Babylift adoptees. They discussed what they thought their parents did right or wrong in raising them... as well as other adoption issues. Next, we saw a slide show of Dana Sachs extensive travels all over Vietnam. She also discussed the history of Vietnam. This year is the 1000 year anniversary of Vietnam officially being a country after the Chinese invasion.
We went to Stanley Park for a Vietnamese lunch. Jazzy fell off the picnic table and pulled the entire bowl of Pho onto her head.
There were noodles and chicken everywhere. I had to take her back to the hotel room to get a bath and change of clothes, but she still smelled like Pho for the rest of the day.
One of the workshops I attended in the afternoon was called "Vietnamese Names". We discussed all of the kids names. Jasmine's Vietnamese name is Nguyen Thi Tam which means "good heart". I already knew that because last week when we were in Target, we met a Vietnamese lady who worked there... as there are many around where we live. She told me the meaning of Jasmine's name.
Jasmine's pre-school class did all types of crafts and martial arts. They made lanterns, self portraits, Vietnaese hats, and tigers.
Later in the evening there was a "formal dinner" where all the kids wore their traditional "aoi dai" dress. A massive carnival then took place where I worked as a carney for awhile.
Jazzy with her friends
Jazzy next to her self portrait
Jazzy with her favorite counselor Nguyen Duy. She never left the poor guy alone for 10 minutes the entire week!!
With her hat on