Yesterday, I had yet another step in a tooth re-construction. We have to wait 48 hours for the EndoCal10 to harden... so that gives us the weekend to play. Today when we woke up, it was a little cloudy so we decided to go to the gym/LA Fitness/Kid's Club, not too far from our hotel. After that we went to the Irvine Park Railroad and Orange County Zoo. Irvine is kind of Scottsdale-ish... very pretty and clean. There are parks literally everywhere... but one in particular is *huge*. There is a little railroad that goes completely around the park, ponies... which Jazzy rode, and more junk food. The Orange County Zoo is very small and consists of re-habbed owls, raccoons, hawks, eagles and a bear. The day was a perfect 75 degrees and sunny in the afternoon. I don't understand why so many people come to Arizona for snow-birding and retirement, when the weather anywhere in California is so much better.
Later, we went to "Mother's Kitchen" which is a health food store and restaurant.... similar to Whole Foods Market to eat dinner and get snacks for tomorrow at the beach!
At the Irvine SuperFun Learning Center- a drop-in pre-school close to one of the plethora of dentists I am going to.
Eating a sno-cone at the park
Brushing the goats
At the playground