Today we had two performances of the Broadway on Ice show at Ice Den Chandler. I was the mom "in charge" of five munchkins of the Level C group 1 age 9 and under...not than anyone could ever be "in charge" of these hellions. They are SO rowdy!! Eighty seven skaters participated all the way from newbies to National Champion pairs skaters. I have a million photos and videos:)
Ready to go on the ice!

It was just a party all day and all night:))

Just some girl talk- Jazzy, Maria, Paolina. wish!!! We brought apples and other "healthy snacks"..but one of the other moms sharing the locker room with us brought candy, muffins, well as an ipad. I was not too happy about that:( Of course, that's all they ate, then didn't feel well.

Maria, Abigail and Jazzy looking at a skating book:)

On dinner break checking out Marilyn Monroe:)