All kinds of vehicles... Tempe Police cars, DUI Enforcement trailer, motorcycles, Firetrucks, Ambulances, City buses, backhoes, free cookies and sandwiches from Great Harvest Bread Company and free Chicken, etc from ChicFilae. It was a mad- house. 90 degrees with the sun blaring...(99 degrees tomorrow). The kids had free access to climb around in all the police/fire, etc vehicles... honk the horns and turn on the sirens, and they took advantage of it. It was so loud I almost had a nervous break down:))) and Jazzy was crying at first because of all the sirens. She did sit on a police motorcycle and in the police car.... as well as climb around in the SWAT vehicle. Of course, she ate lunch there too.:) We also went in the uh-hum...Tempe DUI enforcement truck and sat in the seat with the handcuffs..... where they randomly stop people, do the breathalyzer or blood test right there in the trailer and haul the person to jail if needed:). I didn't really get the purpose of the day.... especially for pre-schoolers.
In the SWAT vehicle.
On the police motorcycle with the siren blaring.
In the loud police car.