Can't believe Jazzy is 4 years old already. The teacher for the ABC class didn't believe it either! She asked me when I came to pick Jazzy up if she was really 4:) because she is so small for her age. She also says that Jasmine never stops talking the entire time during the 2 hour class. I could have told her that before we even started!!
So, we started off the day by opening some of the many presents sent by Grandma and Grandpa- sticker book, crayons and Hello Kitty notepad, and Hello Kitty bingo game. Then we had to go to the grocery store to pick up the multicolored cupcakes with little heart rings on them for Jazzy's ABC123 class. They had a party for Jazzy... but parents are not allowed to attend. All I know is that there was a huge mess with cupcake crumbs everywhere in the room when I went to pick Jazzy up:)) Ha... that's what they get for not letting us in.
Later in the afternoon, we went to our favorite Vietnamese restaurant - Pho Van- for a late lunch/early dinner before tap/ballet lessons. Jazzy had her usual bowl of Pho... which she really loves. Then off to dancing lessons with little Dora bracelets filled with lip gloss for the girls in the class. We came home and opened more presents. Jazzy really loves the remote controlled bee and the Sid the Science Kid microphone so that she can perform her songs :)
opening presents
waiting for ABC123 class with her store bought cupcakes... since Mommy is not talented enough to make any
dance class thru a window