Today we had so much to do. A lot of errands, shopping, then Kimberly Bodine's party at Danette Trett's house. Kimberly was Jasmine's very first skating instructor for the "Parent and Me" class. I remember telling Kimberly that I've had so many broken bones, that I really didn't want to skate. So, she was Jasmine's "mommy" for the skating class as well as being the instructor. Danette (our Coach Rozaline's mother) is also a skating coach at the rink. Kimberly made all the food for the party... which I thought was kind of strange since it was *her* birthday. She is Greek, so it was olive leaves and tubouli, a lot of hummus and other Greek dishes, as well as cupcakes made from scratch by Amanda- her daughter. The kid's table outside.

I didn't really want to go out there because it was 110 degrees today, but felt obligated to be the "lifeguard" since other people were imbibing in alcoholic spirits!:) Swimming all afternoon, then had to go to swim lessons right after that!

Kimberly and Jazzy:)

Too bad I couldn't eat much of the food at the party due to my "soft diet" restrictions:( This surgery went much better than the last one. It took four hours. One hour to get each titanium rod out, then another couple of hours to custom fit the cadaverous bone to my jaw. Another cool thing she (Dr. Lisa Butler) did was take my blood, spin it down and separate the platelets, clotting factors and growth factors. I asked her why they couldn't have done that at the dental school? She told me that they are "ultra conservative" which was suprising to me. I always thought that universities were more progressive, but apparently not dental schools. Dr. Butler then soaked the cadaverous bone in my own growth factors and serum so that the bone was more antigenically like my own. She also packed little bone slivers around the block graft, then three dissolvable collagen membranes, two screws to hold it in, then several layers of sutures. That thing is just not going to come out this time. All the while, I was in a "massaging"/"vibrating" surgery table, constantly sprayed with Bach Flower essences and essential oils, listened to soothing music (ha!) and was given homeopathic remedies! on top of the drugs of course! Much nicer experience overall! Much more expensive too!, but it's what I should have done in the first place!