Today, Jasmine was off from school. I decided to take the day off work too, because working with her around is virtually impossible. We went to the gym - as usual- this morning... then to - of all the places... Arizona Mills mall. I really don't enjoy going to malls, but we went there specifically because there is a huge life sized sand sculpture that took some artists many weeks to make. Santa was there, too. Jasmine sat on his lap and told him that her favorite princess was Ariel. I really don't know why none of my photos turned out:(
Next, we went to the movies there in the mall. We saw The Muppets Movie. There were literally 30 minutes of previews and Jasmine started whining even before the movie started. Two hours was kind of long for a kid to sit there... even if is *was* the Muppets. We rode the merry- go - round, since they have rides in that mall too. The mall is so huge.... 6 different "neighborhoods", and it took us the entire day to go to each one. I swore I wasn't going to buy anything since I am basically done Christmas shopping, but then there was Claire's and the Sanrio store. Jasmine picked out a couple of stocking stuffers. I told her that I would have to call Santa on his cell phone to see if it was ok to buy them.
Today was a really nice day...81 degrees with perfectly clear skies. We should have/could have gone to the Wildlife World Zoo, but it is really far away on the west side of Phoenix, (not the regular Phoenix Zoo) and this is the worst traffic day of the year- or so they say, so we didn't go. The plan was to do that on Thanksgiving day.... but not if it is pouring down rain.... which is what it is supposed to do. I asked Jasmine what she wanted to do tomorrow if it is raining and we have to stay inside all day and she said... "Bake and decorate cookies"... aaaargh. I am not a happy homemaker. So, I went to the store tonight when she was in gymnastics and bought the kind of cookies where you just slice them and put them on the baking sheet and that is it- along with some decorating supplies.
Three years ago right now, we were just getting home from Vietnam!
Happy Thanksgiving!
A placemat made by Jasmine this week at school. It is even laminated!
They also made "stone soup" yesterday. Jasmine had to bring an onion to class! It was funny watching her go to school carrying an onion! I guess they put the whole onion, carrots, other vegetables and potatoes in a big pot and cooked it. They ate it for lunch, and according to Jasmine.. they cooked a turkey. I don't know if I really believe that!