Jazz is a bread monster. If she sees a piece of bread, she starts yelling "bread, bread, bread". If I give her bread with her meal, she won't eat anything else. So now we have to have the regular meal first, then a little bite or piece of bread for "dessert".
We have a busy summer coming up- swimming lessons, a class called "adventureland" on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, and a music class on Fridays. I hope I am not overdoing the classes, for my own sake. I am not sure what the Adventureland class is, but we will find out in June. There is a different theme every week and I think they do crafts and music to that theme... my guess anyway.
Last Friday night, we went to a concert in the park. We took Spirit with us. There were alot of dogs there and Spirit chose one yellow Lab to go after. I wasn't expecting it to happen and wasn't holding onto her very tightly. She got away from me and ran at full speed right in front of the audience and jumped on the other dog. It was funny and embarassing. I got quite a few dirty looks from the grumpy snowbirds. I will be happy when they go away.......