We're getting close to the end of the gymnastics class. Jas is doing better at following directions, but still resents being told what to do. She would rather just run around and do her own thing for the whole class. They won't have the gymnastics class again until the fall, but we will be having swimming lessons instead. We'll see how that goes.
This weekend she had fun playing at the veterinarian's kids club. There were 20,000 stodgey close- minded veterinarians at the huge convention this weekend. I attended the neurology track since I treat alot of seizures and neurological disorders. I also attended the classes on autoimmune disorders. One class I attended was given by a very well known researcher on AIHA (autoimmune hemolytic anemia) which is, in my opinion, mostly a vaccine induced disorder. When she asked the audience if they had seen less AIHA since the vaccine guidelines had been changed, everyone groaned. I could feel all of their little boxes around themselves get even smaller. She was suggesting that since the vaccine guidelines are recommending only vaccinating every 3 years instead of every year, that she was seeing less AIHA. The groans were heard because vaccinating yearly- with all of the unnecessary drugs and procedures that go along with it- are the grunt DVM's bread and butter. They were angry that she was even suggesting that their precious vaccines were causing so many problems. I hate that I have to waste so much time and money going to these stupid things. At least Jasmine had a good time. I will have photos of her soon.