Tonight we went to the Nutcracker Ballet. I didn't know that the first production of the Nutcracker was on December 17th, 1892, in St. Petersburg, Russia. Apparently it was terrible and was not popular at all. The first Nutcracker Ballet in the United States was in 1944 in San Francisco. It wasn't popular until 1954 when George Balanchine, a famous choreographer, re-worked it. Now it is the most performed ballet all over the world. This was the first time we've gone that Jazzy has been totally enthralled. She has been in ballet for over two years now... maybe that's why. We weren't allowed to take pictures of the performers:(.
Fourteen years ago, I had a little accident and broke about every bone in my body. I've been in pain ever since, am a chiropractic mess, and supposedly need a hip replacement in the future. Oh well, stuff happens. Gotta deal with it!
My only photo is overexposed:(