We had a very busy weekend. There was supposed to be a "Tet Celebration" at the Mekong Plaza in Mesa on Saturday night. We drove all the way there and found that it was just a very busy shopping center. It reminded me of being back in VietNam. The Vietnamese people have no self awareness or sense of space. It's like playing bumper cars with your shopping carts and your body. I don't know if they do it out of total lack of awareness or just rudeness, but it just made me think of how I am not looking forward to going back there some day. At least we went to Whole Foods and the dog food store.
Sunday was a much better day. The VSA (Vietnamese Students of Arizona (or America- not sure which) put on a Tet Celebration every year. This year it was at the Tempe Center for the Arts. They have music and dance. Last year, they also had food, so I didn't bring any food.... big mistake. Luckily, Joan and Jolee brought some crackers since I was expecting to give Jasmine her Vietnamese dinner there. The program was four hours long. She made it thru the first two hours pretty well, then alot of fidgiting. I decided it was time for us to leave after that because her behavior was just getting out of hand.
Today we started our first Mommy and Me gymnastics class. They have three balance beams of various heights, mats for stretching, larger mats tumbling downhill, and a bar for swinging. It was mostly freestyle today, but will be more structured later. Jasmine certainly doesn't like structure. When we were told to sit in a circle, she had a fit, even though all the other kids were cooperative. We have some work to do on behavior. I'll have photos of our class next week.