Today, we went to the Arizona State Fair...not someplace that I would normally want to go, but thought Jazzy might enjoy it. It was "free" day. Donate a pair or men's socks/underwear, etc and get in "free", but the cost of a bag of socks at WalMart is basically the same price as it is to get in the fair.
We went to a kid's barn where they had life size plastic realistic cows that you could milk, a little quasi Lego land, crafts where the kids could make jewelry and lots of other things....
Of course, there were lots of animals... the Anhauser Busch Clydsdales, llamas, more sheep than anything else, and lots of bunnies. For some reason, Arizona doesn't have the 4-H kids go to the state fair.... so the animals were all from other types of exhibitors.
Because of the expense of the rides, Jazzy was allowed to choose one ride. She chose a little train.... like she always does. It's a good thing because she is too short to ride even the little kid rides. I really don't think she will even be tall enough into adulthood to ride some of them.
We tried to stay away from the fair food so got some fried zucchini... which wasn't all that healthy, but better than some of the other options. Jazzy also had ice cream which covered her face, arms and outfit.
Jasmine milking a cow.
Riding the train
Making a necklace out of a pipe cleaner and some beads.
Jasmine with llama
checking out a goat....