Girl Scout Camp at Shingobee Timbers in Walker, MN for the 3rd year in a row. No photos posted to their Facebook page this year:(
Arriving at Shingobee.

Just got home. Jasmine was very proud when she said..."I didn't brush my hair one time" :( ugh. She also didn't take a shower or brush her teeth the whole week. If she has a cavity as a result, she has been warned that she will be the one paying for it. She did however finally take the Polar Plunge for the first time ever!

Oh yes, they informed me when I picked her up that they "forgot" to give Jasmine her medications for two days. How does a "nurse" forget to give a kid their medication for two days. There were only 40 kids at the camp:( We are dealing with the repercussions of that now.