4th Grade Career Day at school this morning. Parent volunteers each had their own little booth. Fifty kids came around and asked the same questions to me....over and over and over again. Why did you become a vet? What special classes did you have to take? Describe your typical day? and many more. Initially, I talked about anatomy, physiology, chemistry, surgery, diagnostics...stuff like that. I saw many eyes glaze over. Then for awhile I just said "science", then towards the end, I just said "lots of college":) Here is my booth:) Jazzy and I made little bags with syringe shaped pens, doggie pencils, stickers, and some homeopathic remedies.

The little dog has acupuncture needles in his head:) Of course, my cup of coffee is sitting there too! Here is Jasmine, Ashley, and Layla. Ashley is a little girl who REALLY wants to be a vet. She leaves messages in Jasmine's backpack for me all the time. Please call Ashley at 480-.....
I have called her several times to answer lots of questions. Then she asked me to make up a "vet test" for her to take. I wrote down 50 questions that just popped into my head about dog breeds, certain diseases, etc. some of which she had to look up online. Then I graded it and gave her a "diploma":)

There were several police officers, a pilot, an accountant, a car salesman, managers, computer guys, bank people, nurses, and an EMT who brought her Ambulance. The kids had to go to the parking lot for that one. Chamille is one of Jasmine's good friends. Her dad is a pilot for Virgin America Airlines. Each child made the sign for his or her parent's booth. Chamille spelled Virgin America "Vregen". We all that it was hilarious:)) It was a fun morning.