Today was "Pirates and Princesses" day at school. Right about this time every year, CEE has a themed day and evening dance. Last year was a western theme. Tonight is pirates and princesses. Only "problem" is , parents have to go this year:). I think that last year I just "dropped her off". I'm betting that most of the other parents dropped their kids off too, so now parents are required to go. Princess dress this morning.

Apparently, the princess dress was "too scratchy", so we're wearing something else tonight:)
Ready for the party!

Lots of fun...going from room to room making princess crowns, necklaces, coloring pirates,

At the pirate tatoo station...

Getting nails done with Elsa:)

Then off to a long "treasure hunt" that ended up in a huge overly crowded "bouncy house" in which we did not partake!