Today we visited the zoo just for something to do (as if I have nothing else to do). They had special Dr. Dolittle things for kids to do...visits with the Zookeepers, booths to learn about how they train the animals, behavioral enrichment, etc. The first zookeeper we visited was the porcupine keeper. They train the porcupines to stand on a little stand with their paws on a bar so they can get a "vaccination"!!! or whatever. There were lots of peacocks running around with little baby peacocks. The Red River Zoo is a little miniature zoo. The biggest animal they have is a camel. No tigers, elephants, giraffes or larger animals at all- just bunnies, snakes goats, hissing cockroaches:) which they count as one of their animals. They only have one vet and one vet tech!!! At least the vet clinic is open to the public. People can watch surgeries and exams thru a glass viewing area.

Zillions of baby and mom peacocks everywhere!

Feeding the goats:) A Russian Red Squirrel with the hair standing up on his ears:)

Jasmine will do anything for candy- answering questions about the diets of various animals in exchange for tootsie rolls:)