On the days I dropped Jazzy off and the day I picked her up, there were perfect blue skies and perfect temperature. The other two days she was there were cloudy and drizzly. Apparently, they still went hiking, swimming and boating in the rain. Jasmine's counselors were "Lolly" and "Patch". I am not sure why all of the camps always have international counselors. Most of the counselors were from England or Germany. I guess one of the big camp events was when Lolly had a dental emergency, had to go to an emergency room in the middle of the night because she was in so much pain, then had to have a tooth pulled the next day. What else- I heard lots of camp songs, stories of the "ropes", rock wall climbing, canoeing in the lake, a tick found behind Jasmine's ear:(( (it's Minnesota- the tick capital of the country), and Jasmine couldn't sleep because they leave the lights on all night long- weird. At least when she came home, she was in good spirits.
A "galaxy tee shirt" made by splashing chlorox on a black tee shirt and putting glitter all over it. A "sand candle" with real daisies on it, a jewelry box made out of popsicle sticks, a purple and pink paper mache globe with lots of glitter on it, a piece of soap in the process of being transformed into a star, and a murder mystery invitation. Apparently, one night they had a "murder mystery" game:)

I also heard that they had "super sessions" -
a British baking class where they made "butterfly buns"- something like cupcakes? and a British party game where several small "presents" are wrapped up in many layers of toilet paper. You pass the ball of TP with gifts inside around the circle of girls. When the music stops playing, the person holding the TP ball gets to take one layer of the ball off and get the candy/gift underneath. Here is Jasmine's roommate "Macey" from Walker, MN- right down the street from the camp. She took the photo with her little camera.

Standing in front of the lodge- going home!