Yesterday, Jasmine started tap/ballet and tumbling class. It's a 1 hour class with 20 minutes of each. There was a little girl practicing and Jazzy just went right in the studio and started dancing with her. Unfortunately, the parents are not allowed to watch or be in the studio when the lessons are going on, so I won't be able to get pictures:(
Also, the entire Casa Grande Dance Troupe is going to see the "So You Think You Can Dance" Tour. Besides Dora the Explorer, So You Think You Can Dance is Jazzy's favorite show. She tries to imitate the dancers for the entire 1-2 hours. I don't know what we are going to do on Tuesday and Wednesday nights in a week or two when the show is over! When I went online to buy the tickets, I found that the show, which is in November, was almost sold out. The show is on the 13th. I was planning on taking us to Disneyland for the 13th because not only is it my birthday... so I get in free..... but it is the one year anniversary of the day we met. So, we are going to the dance tour instead.... since the cost is the same.... very expensive close to the front seats were all that was left.
Jazzy in her ballet tights, leotard and shoes
Jazzy's tap and ballet shoes had to be special ordered because they were so small!!