Morning and afternoon 4's classes at Dayspring went to the Gilbert Riparian Preserve. Lived here almost 30 years and have never heard of it. It is a nice little park with ponds with ducks, lots of wildflowers, hummingbirds, butterflies, hiking trails, "dino dig", and playground.
We had different "stations" to go to. First we went to Linda's station.... the same lady from Environmental Education Center with the animals. Quinn the Patagonian Cavy was there, Harvey the Flemish Giant bunny... who is still a "baby". Apparently, they get up to 40 #. Raspberry the iguana and a little goat were also there. In her own little wagon, was an obese, elderly and blind opossum. The kids pulled her around the park in her wagon for her "walk".
After the hike to feed the duck and look at wildflowers, we did the "dino dig" and found vertebrae and hip bones:)
The kids also learned about various types of dinosaurs. Jasmine said, "Do you think that Dr. Vince likes T. Rex"?
As usual, the weatherman was wrong. It supposedly was going to rain, but I should have known better to believe that after living here for so many years. It was extremely hot and uncomfortable in the morning, then some black clouds rolled in as we were leaving, but it never did rain.
Jazzy's preschool class waiting to go into the park. (Margo, Megan, Kinley, Jasmine, Ben, Aaron, Olivia, Addis, Georgie)
Socializing with "best friend" Kinley.
Harvey, Raspberry, Jasmine.
The obese blind opossum who rode around all day in a wagon:)
Dino Dig... Jazzy's favorite part!