So... yesterday I had to work all day. Jasmine was stuck in the living room watching cartoons and playing by herself when it was 75 degrees outside. The living room was covered with Barbie Dolls, Barbie's accessories, shoes, clothes, bike, car. etc. I also kept hearing the refrigerator/freezer open multiple times. I told her she could have *one* of the cookies we made if she promised to eat lunch. She agreed. When I came downstairs, interspersed in between the Barbie stuff were tons of cookie crumbs/parts and lollipop wrappers. She had eaten the entire plate of cookies! She had also opened a bag of lollipops from Halloween and ate the whole bag! I told her she had to eat the nice piece of salmon and spinach salad... and later I found the bowl on the floor completely cleaned, with just a little piece of lettuce next to it. Presumably, the Chihuahua vacuum cleaner had a very nice lunch and a few cookies to top it off.
Today, to keep keep Jazzy a little busier, we visited the Wildlife World Zoo/Aquarium... way on the west side of Phoenix. It is literally 1/4th of the way to Los Angeles! It is really much nicer than the Phoenix Zoo because all of the animals are very close and used to human interaction... as opposed to the safari like atmosphere of the Phoenix Zoo. We stood on a platform and were able to feed and pet the giraffes. Jasmine screamed hysterically when the giraffe stuck out his long tongue to reach for the food... then everyone stared at us!!....probably thinking I was torturing her or something. We also were able to get very close to the tigers/panthers and leopards... literally about one foot away for a long time. We then went thru the extensive aquarium. We stayed at the zoo for the whole day. Unfortunately, I forgot the camera:( We could have had some very close up animal photos:(....
On the way home, we picked up a little Christmas tree. It kind of looks like the pitiful Charlie Brown Christmas tree, but it was the only one that would fit in my mini-mobile car. I just got the lights on... and am totally exhausted. We will finish it probably tomorrow. Of course, Jasmine is not tired!:)