I made the long drive to Shingobee Timbers to pick Jazzy up. She was hand in hand with her roommate from the "Turtle Room"- Helena:)

I asked Jasmine what kind of cooking they did, since it was a "Cooking Camp". All I heard was that they peeled cucumbers, then helped make tacos one night. Here are some more crafts from camp: a tie die tee shirt, more "lanyards" and friendship bracelets, and a couple of "badges".

I made a "deal" with Jasmine that if she completed the "Polar Plunge", she would get a "surprise". Apparently she did it:) I am quite certain that the water was not much colder than the middle of the day. She said they swam in the lake every day.

I wanted to give her the incentive of a "surprise", so she would actually stretch a bit and do something different. Here is the surprise:--- a desk that I actually put together myself!!! Totally amazing- since I've had to pay the local handyman to put some other things together for me. Now she has a place to do homework!

The favorite dessert:))