Arizona Foster Adoptive Parents had a "toy drive" for the members. Every child got a bike!! and lots of toys. We went to the law firm of Curtis, Goodwin, Sullivan, Udall, and Schwab (good grief) located in downtown Phoenix. Kris Jacober, an attorney with them, is the president of AzFAP and organized the toy drive. When we arrived, there were hundreds of bikes on the front lawn of the law firm. We were led to Jasmine's bike- a little Huffy- that was just her size. We then went into their conference room where there were piles and piles of stuffed animals, Barbie's, games and lots of other toys. The kids just went to every pile and got what they wanted. Amazing!
Earlier in the day, we went to yet another gingerbread party. We built a more steady gingerbread house and read a story about "The Gingerbread Baby" by Jan Brett.
Jasmine with her new bike
Making a gingerbread house