Jazzy's birthday party on Sunday September 29 at the Mesa Skateland complete with "black lights" and flashing cups:) My photos are terrible! In attendance were her friends from skating: Katie Kaedden, Emma Erlandson, Annali Harp, Mia Cornis, Abby Dalsin, Grant Owens, Neveah Two, and Celeste and Anaise Van der Voorn. Little sister Elise Van der Voorn had her tonsils out and could not make it. From school: Charlotte and Camille Smith who occasionally ice skate, Emma Arbogast and Hope Gonzales from kindergarten, Amber Thomas from kindergarten as well as her little sister Heidi, Charlotte and Camille Smith from our current school. Charlotte and Camille also skate sometimes. The kids roller skated, had pizza and Sprite (yuk) in their flashing cups, answered trivia questions about Jasmine such as "What is Jasmine's favorite color? (easy- everyone knows it's pink) and what is Jasmines favorite animal? (dogs of course). A couple of kids won a prize for knowing that bit of trivia! Jasmine got to announce her age and her "favorite song" over the loud speakers with the "DJ" and of course, they played the Katy Perry song "Roar". The whole day was mass confusion and mayhem, but everyone had a great time:)

One of the big attractions at Skateland is all of the video/arcade games that are part of the party. The highlight for Jasmine was when she was playing a "slot machine" type of game and "hit the jackpot". She won 500 tickets!! She could then go to the "store" and get a bunch of junk! Here is Jasmine starting to collect her tickets with Grant Owens (her sometimes boyfriend). All of the girls compete for his attention:)). His grandmother tells a funny story about one of his little girl classmates at school telling Arlette (the grandmother) to bring him back to school right away after his activity because "He's MINE"!! They say that Jasmine and Grant will be pairs skaters someday! We'll see about that:)

Anais Van der Voorn. I tried to get photos of everyone, but the flash was either too bright or not bright enough!

Jazzy starting to collect her tickets!

Jenny and Gadiel. Not sure where sister Abby is.

Not sure who this dinosaur guy is who was walking around all day. Hope, dinosaur guy, Jazzy, Grant, Katie and Neveah off to the side.

Mia, Anaise, and Annali

Hope getting ready to go onto the skating floor.

Emma Arbogast and her mom, Milena.

Emma Erlandson from ice skating:)

Most of the group in one shot: Amber Thomas, little sister Heidi to her right, Emma Arbogast facing front in pink, Charlotte Smith with glasses (an amazing artist. Her drawings/cartoons/caricatures look like they were done by an adult)
Camille Smith-(twins) next to Charlotte, the backs of Hope, Jasmine, Neveah and Katie, then Annali, Mia, Emma, Grant, Celeste Van der Voorn, Anaise, and standing in lavender shirt- Abby Dalsin. Missing are Abby and Gadiel somewhere.

Missing from the party: Kiki Owens and Taylor Terrari who were at a skating competition in California, and Theresa Robb who was out of town! Fun and exhausting day:)))