Jasmine refused to take a nap today, so she was tired and grumpy at the show. Then, we waited over an hour for her second number "Falling in Love with You"... which was the normal time between her performances. I must have asked her at least 18 times... not exaggerating.... if she had to go potty, and she said "no". I personally walked her over to the warm up area, so I knew she was ready to go onstage. Then, right when she was supposed to go on the ice, she decided she had to go to the bathroom!! I was watching from the sidelines- and her song started... and no Jasmine!! The director of the show had to take Jasmine to the bathroom, and did get her back on the ice for a few seconds before the song ended. She (Nicole- the director) gave me a dirty look, and said... "why didn't you take your daughter to the bathroom before the performance"?. I transferred the dirty look over to Jasmine, who started crying and didn't stop the whole night. She wanted to go home, but I made her go on the ice anyway.... so,... of course, this was video night. (the night the video was being taped). Jasmine was crying for the whole finale- which of course, was taped. From now on, until she is 18 years old, if she says she doesn't have to go to the bathroom, I am going to take her, sit her on the toilet and stand there until she goes. After 18, she's on her own. Other than that, the night went pretty well.
With her friend, Kiki Owens, who plays "Lucifer".
Waiting to go on the ice.
With Cinderella (Rozeline Voges)