Today is the one year anniversary of Jazzy being home for a full day. Last year, we arrived home on the busiest day of the year almost.... the evening of the 25th. Today we went on a Zoo Safari and looked at all of the animals.... played with the goats, and played on the kids Harmony Playground. There was a new kumodo dragon exhibit that they advertise on the radio every 10 minutes... so we got to see that. The dragons were humongous. Jazzy wore her brightly colored dress because we were supposed to see a Monarch butterfly exhibit, but they were closed. We then went to a restaurant called Green in Tempe. There was a dinner and event there sponsored by the Arizona Humane Society. We had prepaid and made reservations, and it was good that we did, because I would have just turned around and gone somewhere else if we hadn't. It was very crowded... I don't think they were expecting that many people. The line to get in was very long... and there were no tables. People were eating Thanksgiving dinner out on the curb and sitting on the asphalt in the parking lot. At least there was live music out there. Plus, it was over 80 degrees outside... so it was nice. We had a great dinner though... completely vegan, animal free, and all organic. I have never seen such large organic asparagus! and the "turkey" (made of wheat) was excellent. Jazzy ate ALOT. Then we stopped at Grandma and Grandpa's to visit and play with cousins. Great day... best of all with my little munchkin.
Sitting on the dragon
Viewing one of the dragons
Playing with the goats..... We smelled like goats when we got to the restaurant.
Eating our vegan dinner.... Got lots of left overs.
At Grandma and Grandpa's