Today we went to a Tet Party at Kathy and AnnaLi's house in Chandler. There were about 17 Vietnamese adoptive families there....some new, and some we had never met before. The kids made lanterns, colored, and ate mostly Vietnamese food. Jasmine was very intent and focused on painting her lantern:) I have never seen Jasmine eat SO much food!! I guess it was because it was Vietnamese food. She had two bowls of rice/curry/Pho- the Vietnamese dish, 2 cookies, then 3 little cupcakes, ...... then she demanded more cupcakes!!!!- as you can see from one of the photos:) The kids played in the yard for about an hour, then had a little Vietnamese dragon run. Joan, Jolee and David were there too.
Jasmine painting her lantern
Eating, and eating, and eating
"Get me more cupcakes...NOW"
Jasmine and Jolee
All of the kids- well, most of them....
Joan, Jolee and David