Today we went with Joan and Jolee to Luke AFB for an air show called Desert Thunder. We left early this morning because we knew it was going to be a 1 1/2 hr drive. Apparently, there were over a million people there this weekend, but Joan has a disabled sticker, so we were able to park kind of close. It's a good thing because we had SO much stuff, it was like we were staying for a week. We had a cooler with drinks for the entire Air Force, crackers, cookies, bananas, grapes, you name it and it was in that cooler. Joan had the idea of bringing an awning which we... two un-mechanically inclined women- had to set up by ourselves. It wasn't too bad, but even early in the morning, the wind had already increased to around 20 mph.
The air show was completely *amazing*. The most incredible part was a new aircraft called a F-22 Spectre (or something like that) which isn't even in their "inventory" yet. It is kind of heart shaped and can go straight up, straight down, stand still, make right hand turns, and it is truly louder than thunder. It was kind of like a heart shaped alien space ship with the up and down motion. We also saw many other aerobatics... and one time a 1940's plane of some sort flew upside down about 25 feet off the ground right in front of the audience.
They also had many aircraft on display that you could walk into and thru. Some were very old, but they also had the most recent unmanned aircraft and other brand new planes.
They also dropped bombs. When they dropped the first one, I actually thought one of the planes had crashed!! and I think alot of other people did too. It was a huge fireball with black smoke, but then it kept occurring, so I finally figured it out.
They had to stop the air show early because the wind was then up to 40 mph. We had a bit of fun taking the awning down in that wind, packing up and leaving, but we finally made it.
I also have officially given up on using my worthless expensive video camera which is not compatible with my computer. I have resorted to taking snippets of video on my camera for now.
Jasmine and Jolee getting ready to take a nap in our tent.
Jas and Jolee playing with playdough.
Jasmine and Jolee sitting in the military helicopter.
Jasmine and Jolee in front of our tent
None of my video clips will download:(