Now I am in the process of up-dating my "homestudy" The homestudy is the part of the dossier that consists of medical reports, financials, psychological evaluations:), Child Protection Services background check, Department of Public Safety background check, and home inspection. I guess I could have become a criminal in the past year. A narrative is then re-compiled and written by the social worker from International Child Foundation who is doing the evaluation.
I spent the last two weeks "spring cleaning" my house, every square inch, every closet, ceiling and wall. Fourty eight hours prior to the home inspection, a huge dust storm called a haboob swept thru the area. I know that it is called a haboob because I learned that when I was getting my PhD in traffic school last week:) As of yesterday, there was 1-2 mm of dust on every single item in my house. I spent the entire day in between clients cleaning and detailing. The outside of the house and porch was demolished with dust. Everything inside and out was brown. I spent the entire morning and night making it halfway presentable. I was exhausted but the house is relatively clean now. Yeah!
Today my last psychological evaluation and home inspection went well. This will be the last one until Jasmine has been home for 6 months. I think we have to do them every 6 months for 3 years or so.
A little about our house. I have lived here for almost six years now. Unbelievable! The house is located in a little unincorporated area called Arizona City. There is not much here right now, but Casa Grande is close. It's worth it to be able to see the stars and not hear cars at night.
The photos are of the front and back of the house where Jasmine, Spirit and I will live... at least until we decide to move some day. You can see the little path that Spirit makes when she jumps off the porch to run over to the fence, stick her head over and bark at people passing by:)
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